Monday, January 30, 2017

Steady.  Hold Steady.

“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter till the full light of day.” Pro. 4:18 NIV

The path of the righteous can sometimes be bumpy, and steep, slippery, and pocked with holes.  Whatever the condition of the path,          
         The steady, long walk is what is important.
              It’s the perseverance to stay the course,
                   The tenacity to hold to the promises,
                         The resilience to meet each obstacle and keep going.

Like the slow, steady climb of the sun,
    whose impact upon the darkness is hinted at even before it crests the horizon,
        slowly rising, gleaming through the shadows,
            growing brighter, dispelling the darkness;
                growing even brighter still until the earth is filled with its full light.

So is the life of a righteous person;
One who stays the course, overcoming the obstacles along the way.
     Little by little the impact of that steady walk,
     Of tenaciously holding steady the grip on the hand of the Master,
                                 Is felt by more and more people.

And the influence of the righteous person is not lessened even when the righteous do not see all who are influenced by that righteous life:

Little by little; from ‘first gleam to full light’

Steady on.  Relentlessly.  Steady on.