NEW: Part 1
I'm glad for peripheral vision.
Standing in the living room talking to Deb, I noticed,
in my peripheral vision,
a tip-toeing boy, clad in Spider-man blue and red, stealth-fully sneaking across in front of our gate. Why tip-toes on concrete, I'm not sure, but he was none-the-less stealth-ful. He made it to the other side of our gate, reached up his hand and...
guess...c'mon, guess....
YEP, you're right!
Rang our bell and RAN, not quite as stealth-fully as his approach.
The grin began at my chin, made it's way up both sides of my mouth to my ears. "Babe...we've just been pranked!"
For those who don't understand the meaning of this, I will 'sum up' - we were accepted and loved (in an odd, adolescent, different sort of way) by our neighbors children! I obligingly opened our gate, looked around, and said loudly in Khmer, "I'm not sure who rang the bell. There's no one here."
As I turned to go back inside, I looked across the street, toward the boy's house 2 doors down, to another gate that was dark inside...and slightly open - and smiled.
Our bell rang several more times that day.
"Behold,I am doing a NEW thing...."