Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A NEW Thing - really?!?

     The sun was just coming up over Phnom Penh.  I headed out the gate and began my run down our street, and toward the Mekong River. The streets were coming to life, with vendors 'hawking' their wares ("Warm baby duck fetus eggs, only 40 cents" - another story entirely), shops opening, and people sweeping in front of their homes. 
      I pray as I run - for the homes, businesses, and people I pass. In Christ's strong name, I pray against everything that "sets itself up against the knowledge of God."  Running around the park and Independence Monument, I ask God to bring true peace and true independence to all the searching souls in this country He loves so much. 
      This day, the weight of battle began to overwhelm me. "Oh, God, how will you prevail? This country has deep traditions, pracitices, and a mindset that doesn't point to you. Lord, how will we break through all the obstacles?"
     And there in front of me stood a young father and his 5 month old son. "New", the Spirit whispered. Hmm...
    I rounded the corner of our street. Coming down the alley behind me, I heard, "Mom, really, Mom, it was THIS big". Turning, I saw a boy of 4 or 5, indicating with his hands  how big 'THIS' was.  His hands were about 6 to 8 inches apart. "Really - THIS big"

"New", the Spirit said. "Everyday there are new lives being born, new eyes, new hearts, new perspectives, that have no 'old' but see everything 'NEW' - this is how I am doing a NEW THING here in Cambodia. Just keep in step with Me."
  "Yes, Lord."

  "...new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you...I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These things I will do; I will not forsake them." (Isa. 42:9b, 16b)